Reading out trouble codes

First select a vehicle before you can read out trouble codes.
For more information about the vehicle selection read the sections Vehicle selection and CSM Vehicle Selection.

Rolling of vehicle
Risk of injury or material damages
Proceed as follows before startup:
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. No gear is engaged.
3. Regard the window with information and instructions.

Danger of short circuit and voltage peaks when connecting the OBD plug
Danger of destruction of automotive electronics
Switch off ignition before connecting the OBD plug to the vehicle.
Proceed as follows to read out the trouble codes:
- Plug in the OBD plug in the vehicle's diagnostic connector.
- Select > in the App launcher.
- The device gives an overview of the global check.
- Click to
to open individual systems.
- Click to
to read out only the selected system.
- The window Prepare vehicle appears.
- Observe the info and instruction window.
- Click >Next<.
- Communication to vehicle is being established. All trouble codes are displayed which are saved in the ECU.
- Select the requested trouble code.
- The corresponding repair tips are indicated.
- Use >Measurements< to switch directly to the Measurements function.