Vehicle selection
Here you can select vehicles according to the following parameters:
- Vehicle type
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Fuel type

To be able to access all the available information, you must have an internet connection.
There are various options to select a vehicle in the app launcher under >Vehicle selection<. The following options are available:
- Vehicle search
- You can search for the vehicle e.g. using the following parameters:
- Country-specific
- HGS no.

The country-specific vehicle search is only possible in the following countries:
- Germany (Manufacturer key no./German type variant version code)
- Netherlands (license number)
- Sweden (license number)
- Switzerland (type approval number)
- Denmark (license number)
- Austria (national code)
- Ireland (license number)
- Norway (license number)
- France (license number)
- Finland (license number)

Searching a vehicle by its VIN is not possible for every manufacturer.
- Vehicle database
- Here you can search for the vehicle e.g. using the following parameters:
- Manufacturer
- Fuel type
- Model
- Car History
- Here you can select already saved vehicles and diagnostic results.