Reading Out Parameters

Calling up the ECU parameters for the fault diagnostics after the trouble codes have been read has priority over all other work steps.

First select a vehicle before you can read out parameters.
For more information about the vehicle selection read the sections Vehicle selection and CSM Vehicle Selection.

Rolling of vehicle
Risk of injury or material damages
Proceed as follows before startup:
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. No gear is engaged.
3. Regard the window with information and instructions.

Danger of short circuit and voltage peaks when connecting the OBD plug
Danger of destruction of automotive electronics
Switch off ignition before connecting the OBD plug to the vehicle.
Proceed as follows to read out the parameters:
- Plug in the OBD plug in the vehicle's diagnostic connector.
- Select > in the App launcher.
The selection of the following possibilities depends on the selected manufacturer and vehicle type:
- Functions
- Component groups
- Systems
- Data
- Select the requested assembly.
- Regard the warning notice if appears.
- Select the requested system.
- Observe the start info.
- Follow the instructions on the screen and start reading.
- Communication to vehicle is being established.
- The device automatically adds the most important parameters to the list Selected parameters:.
- Use
to call up information on the selected parameters in the parameter selection menu, e.g. component descriptions.
- Use
to remove selected parameters.
- Use Search for parameters to search for additional parameters.
- Use Groups - (all parameters) to select requested parameter groups.
- Diagnose a certain problem directly by selecting a parameter group, as only the parameters required for it are stored.
- Start the parameter reading procedure with >Activate<.
- During the readout procedure, the recordings are automatically saved in the Car History under the previously entered license number.
- Return to the selection of systems and component groups with >Complete<.