Creating a Shortcut

Proceed as follows to add the mega macs X setup to the start screen:

Example for Android > 9.0 (Google Chrome, Version 78 or higher):

  1. Call up the web site http://macsx.
  2. Click to the button with the three dots .
  3. Select >Add to start screen<.
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut (example: mega macs X) and tip >Create<.


Example for iOS:

  1. Call up the web site http://macsx in Safari.
  2. Tip to the Share icon .
  3. Select >To home screen<.
  4. Enter a name for the shortcut (example: mega macs X) and tip to >Add<.


Example for Windows (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge etc.):

  1. Set the size of the browser window in a way that both the web site and the start screen is displayed.
  2. Click to the entered address (http://macsx.local or in the address bar of the web browser and keep the button clicked.
  3. Draw the mouse pointer with pressed mouse button on your start screen.
  4. Release the mouse button to create the shortcut.
  5. Enter a name for the shortcut with >Right click< > >Rename< (example: mega macs X).