Troubleshooting table

The following list will help you to solve minor problems yourself. Select the relevant problem description and check and perform the steps listed under Solution in sequence until the problem is solved.



The program hangs up or is without function.

  • Briefly interrupt the voltage supply. Start the mega macs PC software again.
  • Check the present software for incorrect or missing files.
  • Perform a software update.

Printout function with the mega macs PC does not work.

  • Switch on the printer.
  • Ensure that the printer is online.
  • Ensure the paper feed.
  • Exactly adjust the paper feed mode (continuous or rather single sheet).
  • Check the printer configuration.
  • Correctly connect the printer cable.
  • Exchange the printer cable for testing purpose.
  • Select another printer for testing purpose.

Communication to vehicle cannot be established.

  • Select the correct vehicle by engine code.
  • Strictly follow the notes in the window with infos and instructions.
  • Check if there is 12 V supply through the vehicle on pin 16 of the HG-VCI PC (HG-VCI PC possibly defective).
  • Perform a HG-VCI PC (wireless) diagnostics.