Symbols in the Header



Vehicle data

This menu contains the data of the currently selected vehicle.


Here you can click the symbol to change the user or double-click to enter a new user name.


Select the menus >Assistance in selection< and >User Manual<.

  • >Assistance in selection<
  • Indication of the active assistance for the different icons and the drop-down menu
  • Black symbol: Help function is inactive
  • Green symbol: Help function is active
  • >User Manual<
  • Calling up the complete manual

Shopping cart

The spare parts booked for order are indicated with the following information:

  • Count
  • Component name
  • Manufacturer
  • Item number

The shopping cart symbol is dark if there are spare parts in the cart.

Order network

This network is used for data exchange between the mega macs PC and order network.


Printer is ready for operation

  • Black symbol: Printer is ready
  • Symbol flashes green-black: Print job is in progress
  • Red symbol: Defective connection between printer and PC

Vehicle connection status

Here you can view the active and inactive connections between the PC and the HG-VCI PC. The symbol shows the active connection.

  • Black symbol: Connection to HG-VCI PC is inactive.
  • Green symbol: Connection to HG-VCI PC is active.

PC connection status

Here you can view the active and inactive connections PC and HGS data server.

  • Black symbol: Connection to HGS data server is inactive.
  • Green symbol: Connection to HGS data server is active.