Register New CSM User

Proceed as follows to register a new CSM user:

  1. Select > CSM user management.
  2. The CSM user management window appears.
  3. Here the CSM user is managed which is required for the release of the Cyber Security Management. The functions of the Cyber Security Management can only be used after an identity check through Hella Gutmann.
  4. Select >Register new CSM user<.
  5. Enter the user data and confirm with >Continue<.


    A verification e-mail will be sent to the specified e-mail address.

    The verification e-mail contains a token.

  7. Go to CSM user management > Enter the verification token from e-mail and enter the verification token from the verification e-mail.
  8. Click >Next<.


    A further verification e-mail will be sent to the specified e-mail address.

    The verification e-mail contains an IDnow token.

  10. Install the IDnow app on the mobile device by using the link specified in the verification e-mail.
  11. NOTICE


    You can also start the identification from the web site indicated in the verification e-mail.

  12. Open the IDnow app and start the identification process.
  13. Follow the instructions in the IDnow app.
  1. The registration of a new CSM user is hence finished.
  2. If a vehicle with installed security system is selected, the registered CSM user can sign in now, to be able to use diagnostic processes without restrictions.